Dienstag, 7. Januar 2014

Lila Kleid, goldene Accessoires || Purple dress, golden accessories

Lila Kleid... || Purple dress...

...lila Hijab und goldene Accessoires || ...purple hijab and golden accessories


Von vorne... || From the front...


...und von hinten: || ...and from the back:

Kopftuch: Accessorize-Sale Wien (14 EUR) x
Kleid: Marks and Spencer / Charity-Shop in Surrey (4 GBP) x
Langarmhemd (kann man nicht sehen): Primark (3,50 GBP) x
Hose: Oxfam Deutschland x
Armband: Primark (2 GBP) x
Kette: Accessorize England (10 GBP) x
 = 31,10 GBP || 37,50 EUR


Head scarf: Accessorize sale Vienna (14 EUR) x
Dress: Marks and Spencer / Charity shop in Surrey (4 GBP) x
Long sleeve shirt (not seen): Primark (3,50 GBP) x
Trousers: Oxfam Germany x
Bangle: Primark (2 GBP) x
Necklace: Accessorize England (10 GBP) x
 = 31,10 GBP || 37,50 EUR

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